Start by assessing your offensive tendencies. Some questions that you should
ask yourself if you are having a hard time scoring or want to score more are:
Is my shot hard enough? Am I creating chances or just standing around? Am I
in the right position to score? Attention to these questions will help you improve.
Shooting Power and Accuracy
As long as you play, these are areas that always need to be worked on. The best
part about improving your shooting power and accuracy is that you don�t need
to be on the ice. In fact, practicing your shot off the ice is actually better
because you aren�t wasting precious ice time. When it�s time for shooting practice,
take at least 150 shots. And, make sure you try different types of shots, including
the backhand shot, which is often neglected but can be very effective.
Even though you may be off the ice, don�t forget to concentrate on body positioning
and balance. Shooting power comes from several areas of your body, including
your lower back, forearms and hands. It is important when you are shooting that
you concentrate on keeping a tight grip on your stick so that you are in total
control and can feel every movement. If your shot seems to flutter or drift
off course, this usually means you�re not holding your stick tight enough. By
continually practicing your shots, you will increase your physical strength�as
well as your confidence.
When you practice your shots, make sure you are aiming at different areas
of the net. Don�t just settle for coming close; continue to shoot at a certain
spot until you can actually hit it. Always look at the target. Don�t develop
the bad habit of looking at the puck to see if it is on your stick. You should
be able to feel it there without looking.
Game Goals
By using the word �goals,� I am not referring to scoring, but to objectives.
Before you start play, you should set objectives for yourself that will enable
you to become more involved in the game. One of your goals should be to make
sure that you are getting a certain amount of shots per period. For instance,
at first, try to get at least three shots on net per period. Once you have obtained
this standard then you can raise it. And you can also assess how successful
these shots were. Do you need to work on your accuracy? Your power? Your ability
to capitalize on rebounds?
Another game goal is generating scoring confidence. Don�t let the thought
of scoring overwhelm you to the point of frustration. Have faith in your ability.
Let the scoring chances come to you. By this I mean don�t forget about your
own style of play and sacrifice a team victory for personal glory. Remember,
hockey is a team sport, and scoring goals should be a team effort and not an
individual one.
Your on-ice positioning can greatly affect your ability to score. There are
certain areas of the offensive zone that are �hot,� which means they are prime
scoring areas. If you find yourself in one of the �hot zones,� don�t be satisfied
and just stand there, keep your feet constantly moving and your stick on the
ice so that you can shoot quickly. By constantly moving, you are making it harder
to be defended and also making it easier for a teammate to pass to you. Once
you gain possession of the puck, no matter where you are in the offensive zone,
you must focus on driving to the net. I am not suggesting that you don�t pass
the puck, but by driving to the net you are forcing the defensive player to
either play you or allow you to get to the net uncontested. If the defensive
player does decide to play you, then you want to look for an open teammate;
if not continue to drive to the net for a shot.
Closer isn�t always better. You don�t want to be right on top of the goaltender
since that will eliminate your shooting angle. It is better to shoot from further
out for numerous reasons: you have more areas of the net to shoot at; you may
be able to catch the goalie off-balance; and the chance of a rebound or tip-in
is greater from further out.
Changing your shot selection will keep your opponents guessing and will allow
you to maintain the upper hand in the offensive zone. Your shot selection should
include the backhand shot and wrist shot, which are two shots that are often
neglected. These two shots have the capability, if performed properly, of surprising
the goalie because of the quickness of and the difficulty in tracking each shot.
Quick Release
While you are in the offensive zone and in scoring position, you should be constantly
prepared to shoot and shoot quickly. This is done by keeping your head up so
that you are aware of the goalie�s position in the net and all possible shooting
angles. As soon as the puck reaches your stick you should be ready to shoot.
It doesn�t mean that you have to shoot right away. This is where you must use
judgment in deciding if the opportunity calls for a quick shot or if you have
time to carry the puck in for a better shooting angle.
Based in Plymouth, MA, Tony DiRito is the national director
of New England Edge Hockey Clinics, which trains amateur ice hockey players
throughout North America.