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"Let's Play Hockey Expo" Video: The Fly Puck
By Bryce Randle

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The Fly Puck promises to be the greatest puck on any off ice surface. Their promotional video seemed to say that anyway. Kids were stick handling on a street made of asphalt that didn't look promising to anything besides a bright orange ball.
While the does not seem upfront as a puck used for roller hockey games, it does promise to help your stickhandling when there is not enough ice time for everyone. The heavier puck builds muscle, the lighter puck allows you to try new moves, and the regulation puck... do I need to explain?
A review of the puck from their website, encorehockey.com, reads,

"Thanks for the pucks. They work great! Everyone has a positive response when trying the pucks out. However, my son does not want them out of his sight. �He said it is like a real puck.� I like it better than my stick handling ball because it is just like being on the ice.� As a coach, I can see this being a huge advantage for every player that will make a small investment in your pucks. Off ice, training will be more productive now. I will show the association you information and you invention tonight. Where can we purchase the pucks?"
- Billy Holbird

Check out our video interview with Sebastien Fortier that features the FlyPuck by clicking here.

The Fly Puck as shown in our video clip.



This first appeared in the March/2007 issue of Hockey Player Magazine®
© Copyright 1991-2003, Hockey Player® LLC and Hockey Player Magazine®
Posted: Mar 19, 2007, 12:38
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