Last Updated: Jul 9th, 2007 - 15:45:16 

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2-1-2 Forecheck (Pinch on a Wide Rim)
The 2-1-2 (Pinch on a Wide Rim) is a very aggressive forechecking system. It is often used late in a game when you are in need of a goal or at specific instances that will allow you to take advantage of your opponents positioning and/or weaknesses.

"Let's Play Hockey Expo" Video: The Rick-O-Shay Goalie
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30 tips to improve your game
Whether you�ve been playing hockey since you were a tot, or you�re a newcomer to the game, you�re always looking for ways to improve.

Tips for safer body checking
Body contact is an element of hockey that we both love and hate. It is the same component that has a history of simultaneously gaining respect for hockey players while tarnishing the game�s image. Body contact and physical play are important parts of hockey, they always have been, and always will be.

Speed + Control = Success: Stick-handling Skills and Drills
When the Stick is a Magic Wand

11 of 101
The first 11 of "101 Hockey Tips." These tips are included in further visual detail and with more explanation in the "101 Hockey Tips" instructional DVD on sale in the Hockey Player store. Click on the banner ad above to learn more.

National Hockey Tournament
We have received a press release from the National Hockey Invitational. Take a look. Download/View File ]

Effective Bodychecking
Becoming an effective bodychecker is a little more complex than one may think. It involves just as much practice as a good goal.

Offensive Zone Forechecking Back in the Game Again?
With its popularity a few years ago with the New Jersey Devils, the Trap (or a slight variant) has been used by most pro teams as one of their primary defensive tactics ... until recently.

Back to Basics
A breakdown of the five fundamentals of hockey

Winning Your One-On-One Battles
You will see many one-on-one battles during the course of a hockey game: A one-on-one battle is simply where one player�either with or without the puck�tries to defeat his or her sole opponent. In fact, you can expect to see about 500 one-on-one battles in a typical 45-minute stop-time game! Divide that by the 12 players on the typical rec league team and that�s more than 40 battles for you alone!

Game day with Tony Amonte
A 14-year verteran of the NHL, finishing this season with the Flyers, Tony Amonte knows how to approach the game. We asked Amonte what goes on in his head before, during, and after a game. Additionally, since game time seems to be Amonte’s time to shine, we asked him what game day, from start to finish, is like.

Learn to Use the Boards
Next time you hit the ice remember that you have a teammate who is always ready for a pass and who has no choice but to pass it back to you -- The Boards!

Shut up and play: a guide to pickup hockey
There are probably more than two kinds of pickup hockey, but that�s getting into rocket science and we aren�t brain surgeons. For the first kind, outdoor or �pond� hockey, players usually don�t wear protective equipment...

Trades and travel talk with Scott Niedermayer
Have you ever wondered what goes through an NHL player’s mind away from the game? Have you ever wondered what a player thinks about in his spare time or while traveling on the road? We caught up with Scott Niedermayer and asked.

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