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Behind The Bench
Behind The Bench
Think and have fun at practice
It is said that a team �plays as it practices,� and Shawn Walsh believes a coach must be thoroughly prepared for practice if he expects his players to be properly prepared for games.
Behind The Bench
Pulling your goalie
In close hockey matches, there are plenty of reasons for staying until the final buzzer. We�ve all seen, and maybe even played in, games where a last-second comeback earned a team a tie, or a shot at victory in overtime. And that�s why clubs trailing by a goal, and sometimes even two, will try to pull their goalie in favor of an extra attacker.
Behind The Bench
Give stats-taking a try
How often do you watch a hockey game and think about the statistics being compiled by the coaching staff probably not very often. There are any number of stats being created during a typical game, particularly in todays NHL.
Behind The Bench
The low-down on line chemistry
Sometimes, when the chemistry is right among three players, it seems like there's
no stopping them. And before you know it, they're tagged with a nickname that
links them together forever. Here are some tips from MSU Coach Ron Mason.
Behind The Bench
R.I. high school coach is nation's winningest
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Behind The Bench
Building puck support
Puck support is your team�s ability to maintain control of the puck while moving it into a scoring opportunity. Puck support has both individual and team components. From a team perspective, it requires a collective effort to move the puck into your offensive zone and into a scoring position. From an individual perspective, it requires each non-puck-carrying player (supporting) to provide options for the puck carrier.
Behind The Bench
Passing: The key to team play
Each type of pass serves a unique purpose in terms of catching your opponents off guard and gaining positional advantage. The speed and change in flow provided when making a pass allows your offense to open up many exciting opportunities to put the puck into a scoring situation.
Behind The Bench
Pre-game warmups
Since each team generally has only a few minutes to warm up before each game, what can be accomplished? A better question is, what skills should your team (and individual players) practice to get prepared for each game? The five essentials of pre�game warm�ups include stretching, skating, passing, shooting and goaltender warm�ups.
Behind The Bench
Keys to successful practice
As developing players and coaches, we all have an obligation to maximize each and every ice session. If we expect our players to improve, to perform at their highest level, and to grow in their love for the game, we as educators must be well�equipped to meet the challenge.
Behind The Bench
Defense zone face-offs
Your goalie may have just come up with a big save, but now you�ve got a big face-off coming up in your own zone�right in front of your net. The way your team sets up before the puck is dropped in no small way determines what happens after that biscuit hits the ice.
Behind The Bench
Coaching with Jim Roberts
�Coaches need to practice their team hard. Concentrate on speed,� Roberts advises. Just because an athlete skates quickly doesn�t mean he can play the game quickly. You still have to handle the puck, and the defense with the same speed."
Behind The Bench
Keep those passing lanes open
Passing lanes are not something for the freeway; they are an integral part of hockey. Simply put, a passing lane is any area on the ice that provides an opportunity to advance the puck by successfully completing a pass.
Behind The Bench
Creating and using passing lanes
The term �passing lanes� is often used, but not always understood. A passing lane is any area on the ice that provides an opportunity to advance the puck by successfully completing a pass.
Behind The Bench
How to run practice
We�ve all heard the phrase �Practice Makes Perfect.� But when it comes to hockey that old adage can get you in hot water. And as we all know, hot water and ice hockey don�t mix. A more accurate phrase might be �Practice Makes Permanent.�
Behind The Bench
Preparing for practice
There are a few important things to remember when organizing a practice, but none is more important than this: Your players probably don�t want to be there.
