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Last Updated: Mar 9th, 2007 - 12:14:39 


Equipment Bag
It's all in the bag
By Bill Holden
Jan 19, 2002, 13:42

Tired of throwing half your gear on the locker room floor just to find your shin guards? To make dressing easier and to help avoid forgetting equipment, the following should help -- a simple, ordered list to help you pack your bag. (Photos courtesy of manufacturers.)

1. Helmet: This should be the first item placed in the bottom corner of the bag.

2. Gloves: Gloves come next, but tuck one of them into your helmet to save space.

3. Mouth guard: If not attached to your helmet, place it inside one of our gloves.

4. Neck guard: Place this inside the other glove.

5. Shoulder pads: Place flat on the bottom of the bag, opposite your helmet and gloves.
6. Elbow pads: Connect them together with their own straps Place them on the side next to your helmet.
7. Skates: If your bag doesn't have a special outside compartment, place these on their sides, on top of your shoulder pads.
8. Jersey: Roll up nicely and place on top of your skates.
9. Pants: Also place on top of your skates.

10. Shin guards: Hold these together with your garter belt. Stuff your socks in between.

11. Cup/jock: Last to go in (first to put on.)

This first appeared in the 02/1997 issue of Hockey Player Magazine®
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