The program has a search function and a search may be performed by team type (ice or roller), age level, location, and open dates. Any or all of these search fields may be used to help in matching a team with a logical opponent. The program developer, Don Lee, has been involved in administering amateur hockey teams from Mites up through College and has had experience in scheduling games for open teams as well as teams which participated in leagues but needed extra games to fill their season. This is an idea that occurred to me a couple of years ago, and now it is coming to life. We have had very positive feedback from teams that participated in our beta program and I expect it will become quite popular over the upcoming season. said Lee. Coaches and Team Managers will love it. So, still another Internet tool for hockey begins to evolve. Check it out at The service is entirely free. This first appeared in the 08/2002 issue of Hockey
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