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Last Updated: Mar 9th, 2007 - 12:14:39 


BlueLine Talk Radio & 101 Hockey Tips
By Bryce Randle
Jan 25, 2006, 00:01

Due to the release of 101 Hockey Tips we have been getting a bit more publicity than usual. We have been interviewed by 800am talk radio in Detroit (Christmas Eve), sold copies of the video in Detroit last weekend during the Little Caesars tournament, and recently we were interviewed on BlueLine Talk Radio�s special feature.

I highly recommend this radio show. You can download it on iTunes or go directly to BlueLineTalkRadio.com and download an archive of an episode. I browsed through a lot of podcasts on hockey and all I got were fans talking about �last night�s game� and �how Hasek was so cool in net last night.� Millian, the host of BlueLine, is very entertaining, unlike most of the hockey podcasts around.

While exactly what Millian says does not reflect or express the opinions of those who work at Hockey Player Magazine, we are very entertained by what he has to say. One of our favorite features on the show is the Retirement Line paging. He has chosen certain players that should retire, not because they are too old or not good enough for the �New NHL,� but because of certain reasons that he will explain.

We highly recommend the podcast and expect you, our loyal subscribers, to jump at this great chance to hear great hockey stories and news. Listen to our talk called �The BlueLine: Hockey Talk Radio - Special Feature - Bryce from Hockey Player Magazine.� Available on iTunes and http://www.bluelinetalkradio.com

This first appeared in the 1/2006 issue of Hockey Player Magazine®
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