Equipment Bag To some it may be quite the bragging right to be able to say that you broke your graphite shaft. To others it is just plain horrible. Breaking my shaft was one of the most disappointing moments of my December 2005 month.
I dropped my stick. I skated to the bench. No left handed sticks. I forgot my backup in the locker room. I got it later, but it just didn�t do justice for me. I got home bummed out because of the large purchase I would have to make. I looked around on the Internet, but my stick had already stopped being made. I just wanted my stick so bad. Then I found it. The Shaft Repair System (SRS) was just what I needed. I will be honest, I had never heard of a repair system as accessible and as interesting as this. I sent
I got my stick back and handed it off to Mark Ostebo, one of our associate editors from 101 Hockey Tips. He took a couple of hard slap shots with the repaired stick. He then gave it to a couple friends to use. One of them loved it so much he used it in a couple of games this weekend at a the ACHA regional tournament in San Jose. I must admit that when I received the stick back, I leaned on it a little bit and did not know how long it would last. I have been really impressed with this system and highly recommend to everyone. Here are a few paragraphs from the press release we received a few weeks ago: �SRS� Shaft Repair System utilizes Shaft-Lock� Technology to create an internal composite repair that is lightweight (44 grams), yet incredibly strong. This is made possible by combining a unique carbon fiber AirCore� with a specialized epoxy system that retains proper flex characteristics and locks the stick shaft halves together. When finished, the repair is concealed inside the shaft and the only evidence is a thin seam, which is only visible upon close examination.
Developed by the engineers at Edgewater Industries, the SRS� Shaft Repair System is designed for the pro shop professional. The introductory kit includes the SRS� Hockey Stick Clamp, required tools, and enough material to repair 25 stick shafts. An instructional video will also be provided. It is suggested that pro shops provide the SRS� repair service to hockey players at a cost of $25-$30 (USD), or $30-$40 (CAN). �Composite hockey sticks are certainly preferred by hockey players, but when these expensive sticks break�well, it could just about make a grown man cry�, states Scott Hewitt, SRS spokesperson. �A composite stick can be quite expensive to replace, but if the local hockey pro shop can repair it professionally for only $25-$30, I think that�s the choice many players are going to make.�� If you would like more information on the SRS, contact me and ask for the press release PDF. E-mail me at [email protected] This first appeared in the 2/2006 issue of Hockey
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