Power Skating
Want to skate like a pro? Try bending your knees so low that it feels like you are sitting on a stool (see above). Or, try keeping your shoulders square to the ice when cutting (see double above). ©BBS |
As a power skating instructor, I feel one of my
top priorities as a teacher is to present you with information in such a way
that you can retain it and then practice it long after one of my clinics has
been completed. No matter what your level of play, to improve your skating you
must constantly work and concentrate on repeating the proper techniques.
However, one of the great problems
in practicing your skating is quite often not your lack of effort but your lack
of knowing whether you are practicing proper techniques, or simply entrenching
your bad habits even more. To quote Jack Blatherwick in his book Overspeed,
�Practice does not make perfect it only makes permanent.�
For these reasons, when we teach
skating we try to steer away from the technical jargon and instead try to get
you to focus on what I call �skating imagery.� It makes teaching and learning
much more fun and, more important, makes retaining the information much easier.
For example, we are constantly
being reminded by skating instructors or television commentators about Pavel
Bure's skating skills. But for us mere mortals who would like to emulate Bure's
speed and style (and who wouldn�t?), how do we know if we are achieving a 90-degree
knee bend or full extension? And for that matter, what do these terms even mean?
Thus, what follows are some helpful
hints, examples of skating imagery and practice drills, which can be applied
both on the ice as well on inline skates, that will allow you to draw pictures
in your mind which will make it simpler for you to work on the proper skating
techniques on your own.
Knee Bend
Helpful Hints: This much is automatic,
the more you bend your knees � whether you are skating forwards, backwards or
turning � the better your control, balance, speed and power. However, knowing
that you should bend your knees more is one thing, doing it is another story.
Therefore, you must make a great effort to exaggerate the bending of your knees
while practicing your skating. Bend the knees lower then what feels comfortable
for you, or lower than where you usually skate; in fact, I challenge you to
bend your knees too far.
Skating Imagery: As I mentioned,
a 90-degree angle of the knee is the optimal knee bend position. However, since
it is impossible to play hockey with a measuring stick in your hand, simply
bend your knees to a point where you cannot see the toes of your skates. With
kneepads on this means that the knee is about two inches ahead of your gliding
skate and that will ensure that you are at least at a 90-degree angle. For the
little players we call this the potty or toilet position, a semi-humorous form
of skating imagery, but one that works because the kids never seem to forget
something they find entertaining
Practice Drill: One excellent
practice exercise is called the One-Leg Push. In this drill we are practicing
by first using only our right leg to push off from while skating on one side
of the ice and then with only our left on the other side. Concentrate on maintaining
your gliding knee at about two inches ahead (90 degrees) of your toes while
fully extending the pushing leg. Each push comes from an inside edge digging
squarely into the ice (see the next paragraph). You will want to put 100% effort
into each thrust to get the most benefit from this drill.
Edge Control
Helpful Hints: Okay, so bending
your knees is a must for better skating. However, it is just as vital that you
bend your ankle tool. What I mean by bending your ankles is that you want to
have excellent flexibility in the ankles so that you are able to roll the skate
to the proper and optimum edge position.
The best angle for an edge � inside
or outside edge � in relation to the ice is 45 degrees. At 45 degrees, you will
feel an excellent grip in the ice which will immediately improve your balance,
control, speed and power in all aspects of hockey skating. Of course, maintaining
an edge at 45 degrees is very difficult and we see many advanced players who
still have trouble using there edges properly.
Skating Imagery: Once again,
describing in detail how your edge should be 45 degrees to the ice may not mean
that much to you (especially if you did as poorly in Geometry 101 as I did).
Therefore, concentrate on rolling your ankle halfway to the ice, this will automatically
put you at the necessary and best angle. Try to picture in your mind that your
edges are your grip in the ice, and when your grip is improper you are sliding
along the ice � losing power and speed � rather than driving into it. Also,
in order to hold an inside or outside edge in the ice be sure that you have
all of your body weight centered directly over it.
Practice Drill: An exercise
which is super for all levels, from NHL and national team players to beginning
skaters, is the One-Foot Edge Glide. This drill can be worked on at all times
� in game warm-ups or in practice. In this exercise you will use one foot gliding
on an edge that is half way to the ice (45 degrees) while the other foot is
off the ice and held closely to the skating foot. Your goal is to be able to
hold your balance on one foot remaining on that edge long enough to form a big
half circle in the ice before you push off and duplicate this procedure with
the other foot. Remember to maintain a deep knee bend and 100% bodyweight while
and try to keep a good, even pace when practicing this drill. This exercise
should be practiced on inside and outside edges as well as both forwards and
Doesn t Happen Overnight
I�m sure we all wish that we could simply wave
a magic wand that would allow us to suddenly skate like Pavel Bure. Unfortunately,
we know that this is not going to happen and, in fact, there is no magic relating
to Bure�s skating skills either. Their greatness comes from working hard and
understanding the proper skating techniques and fundamentals. And you too can
definitely make great improvements in your skating if you begin to put these
fundamentals to work by visualizing and feeling what you are doing, both correctly
and incorrectly.
Finally, remember that you can
get better at any age or skill level and that even pro players receive continuing
specialized skating instruction time and again. So, try not to get frustrated
when practicing your skating. Sometimes the strides you make can be very subtle
and may take a long time to achieve but they are worth it in the long run because
when you skate better the game is much easier to play and certainly much more
fun. Look for more skating imagery in my next article.
Robby Glantz, power skating
coach for the Los Angeles Kings, Swedish Champions Malm�, and the German National
Team, conducts skating programs throughout North America and Europe.
This first appeared in the 02/1998 issue of Hockey
Player Magazine®
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Posted: Mar 28, 2002, 14:45
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