Ever get tired of explaining hockey to your mom, your friends,
your girlfriend, boyfriend, your wife? (Husbands may just understand
a little better because they probably played a team sport or two.) There are
things in life that no one else is ever going to get. And some things are simply
better left unexplained. Because explaining them only makes them sound even
goofier. But here�s my feeble attempt.
Parents who hear about my waking up my son for
6 a.m. games look at me like I�ve just announced my intentions of running for
emperor of Siam. Why is it I�ll get up before dawn on Sunday, but I can�t seem
to answer the alarm clock Monday through Friday? Why is it I can�t get my son
out of bed for school, but he�s instantly awake when I whisper in his ear �it�s
time to play hockey,� grinning like a two-time lottery winner. The German philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that �whatever doesn�t kill us makes us stronger.�
Of course, Nietzsche ended up as crazy as a goalie who has taken too many shots
to the melon, tied up in a straight jacket inside an insane asylum.
Friday nights are date night, yet the rink�s always
full for the �Friday Night Classic:� 90 minutes of open hockey for $15. Who
in their right mind would do such a thing? Did you hear there�s some ice Tuesdays
at 11 p.m.? And what about Thursdays after the high school practices? And Sunday
at 5:30 a.m.?
�I know, it sounds like a lot of money, but the
clear tape for wrapping shin pads is $3 a roll in the store, and World Athletic
Tapes Limited in New Hampshire has the same tape for $1.67 if you order a half
case. Then there�s the white cloth tape that�s $3 a roll for taping my skates.
And the red tape I wrap around the stick handle, that was only $1.45, or the
black friction tape for $1.80 ($1.69 if you order a whole case). So it would�ve
been crazy not to buy the tape in bulk, right? Honey?�
Didn�t you just buy those Bauer 5000s? Didn�t
you say they fit like a glove? The Bauers are almost $100 cheaper. Who in their
right mind would pay that much for skates? Why would anyone want the same equipment
Sergei Federov uses? Nobody. The same nobodies who don�t wear the identical
brand of goalie pads as Patrick Roy or use the same stick as Brett Hull. It
won�t sell, so you wonder why the sporting goods companies would even try it?
Guys who spend freely to buy aftershave and cologne
will leave their hockey gear in the bag between games, and never, ever wash
it. The odor can be detected by flies at 10,000 yards, and usually not even
the barbs of teammates will persuade the offender to clean up his act (one really
nice guy on one of my teams got tagged �Stinky�). What�s the deal here? Is this
there some protective quality to the odor, as if pucks would bounce off the
smell? Does it distract goalies the way having a 250 pound winger in front of
them does? If it will distract him enough to miss that fluttering shot from
the blue line, then I�ll never wash my gear again.
I was coming back from a trip to Canada and the
customs agent asked if I had anything to declare. �Just some tape,� I replied
nonchalantly. �Tape?� he asked. �Would you please open your bag.� So I did,
and there were 25 rolls of clear hockey tape. The pro shop in Guelph had ordered
too much and they were less than $2 a roll, so I stocked up. �Why so much tape?�
the customs agent asked. �I play hockey, I use it to tape my socks.� He just
looked at me, then waved for me to pack up and go without saying a word.
It�s summer, the weather�s warm, the beach full
of pretty bodies in brief attire. So where are the hockey players? In damp rinks
reeking of mildew, enduring butterfly drills that have nothing to do with that
most exquisite creature, doubling over in pain and oxygen-deprivation, and in
general, unable to get enough. Of course, some fathers can go too far. There
was one who smiled approvingly when he asked his son what was fun at camp that
day and the exhausted, dejected boy answered �nothing.� And then, there are
the other fathers who�re at hockey camp, too, skating �til they puke.
A friend�s kid is playing in two house leagues
and for his private school�s junior varsity. When his mom worried that
was too much hockey, the boy smiled and told her �I LOVE hockey. 24-7, Mom.�
Most people who hear �24-7� think it�s a score (�Ron Hextall must�ve been in
goal for the losing team�). Hockey people know what the boy means (OK, �24 hours
a day, seven days a week� for you civilians reading this article). Of course,
he�s a teenager. For kids under 12, any parent who lets them play organized
hockey more than four days a week ought to have their license taken away. Pond
hockey�s another matter, or backyard pick-up games . . . .
Kind of like not wearing a seat belt so you can
be �thrown clear� from the accident (thrown clear, all right� clear into intensive
care). Only a hockey player would value seeing the puck better over keeping
his teeth. Dentures aren�t the only danger; two years ago a puck hit me in the
orbit, the bone that surrounds the eye. No permanent damage done, thanks to
$5,000 paid to that plastic surgeon. Paid on the installment plan, just like
a car (I call the scar my Porsche).
I�m talking the kind of game where you don�t
see the puck until it�s already in the net, where a the game ends 2-1, where
the off-sides rule is too complicated, where the color commentators (because
they�re Canadian) speak with an accent only dogs and NASA deep space listening
devices can understand, and where the players fight.
Give me a break from the knocks civilians hand
our sport: Who reading this doesn�t understand the off-sides rule (you
want complicated? Try soccer�s off-side rule), is turned off by the fighting
(you want to see fighting? Things are positively peaceful nowdays. I remember
the Broad Street Bullies when Bob Clarke was Bobby Clarke, one of the dirtiest
players in the game� as well as one of the most successful), or likes games
with scores borrowed from baseball (�the Red Wings won last night�s game with
the Dallas Stars when winger Sergei Federov launched an Ed Belfour 0-2 fastball
over the fence with two men on in the bottom of the ninth for a final score
of 8-7�)? Now, if we could just get rid of some of those Canadian color men.
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