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Last Updated: Sep 13th, 2007 - 20:41:00 


Are you a Hockeyholic?
By Anonymous
May 20, 2002, 11:11

We saw this quiz posted at rink and thought we�d share it. If you answer �yes� to any of these 10 questions, find yourself a support group to talk to�or a team to play for. Fast. Remember, the first step toward recovery is admitting you have a problem!

1. Do you lie about the amount of hockey you play?

2. Do you always have your gear with you, �just in case?�

3. Do you think more clearly with a hockey stick in your hand?

4. Do you have a message box at your local rink?

5. Does your reading material consist mainly of hockey supply catalogues?

6. Do you like the smell of your hockey gear?

7. Have you ever made your dog play goalie?

8. Have you ever missed work or school to play hockey?

9. Do you rarely have time to help out at home, but always have time for hockey?

10. Are all of your household repairs done with hockey tape?


All right, everyone, repeat after me:

My name is (your name here) and I�m a Hockeyholic. l

This first appeared in the 12/1995 issue of Hockey Player Magazine®
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