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Ever Bamboo Review

April 27, 2010 Equipment No Comments

Upon receiving the small black bags from EverBamboo, I threw them in the small trunk of my Honda Civic, putting off experimenting with them on my gear until the next week’s pickup game. After unwrapping the plastic wrap around the Hockey Deodorizer Pack and taking a small whiff of it through the black sealed package, I decided to give it a shot.

I stuck one of the small enveloped packs into one skate and the other into one glove to see how it would function. A day passed. The next pickup hockey night came. I stuck my hand in my glove that had not been deodorized and carefully stuck my other hand into the one that had been treated. Honestly, I didn’t notice much of a difference. I was bummed. However, I decided to put it into the glove and test it again. I did the same with the skates.

At this point, I should mention that I have used the same gloves since I was a freshman in high school and that it is probably time I get a new pair anyway. It’s been more than 10 years.

I returned to the rink the week after and noticed a small change. The leather inside the glove wasn’t as rough this time. It was a tad more comfortable than the other glove. Not a drastic difference, but enough to notice. My skate felt easier to put on than the other. These sorts of changes followed week by week, as long as I remembered to stick the enveloped bamboo into my gear.

I had a couple other packs of the Hockey Deodorizer so I threw them into my bag and let them do their job. They do a decent job of keep the stink away, but for me the best benefit was the job it did on the feel on the gear itself. I recommend the Ever Bamboo to those I play with when asked what I am sticking into my skates and gloves.

Bryce Randle is the Managing Editor of HockeyPlayer.com. He has produced several hockey videos for HockeyPlayer.com and most recently was the associate producer for the documentary “Growing Up Hockey.”

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