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Cardio Training: Good News & Bad News

March 16, 2011 Drills No Comments

Two days ago we sent you a link to the first video of a 3 part series on off-ice training for hockey. The topic was periodization for hockey; a weightlifting technique that helps keep strength gains consistent, and let’s you avoid plateaus. The video was a huge hit, and we’ve had a lot of very positive feedback about it!

Let’s start with the bad news…

The bad news is, the 1st video has been taken down, and replaced with the 2nd video in the series, which is all about Cardio Training for Hockey. The information contained in this video will show you how to TRAIN your body to be able to skate HARDER, and FASTER, for LONGER, then RECOVER MORE QUICKLY after doing so.
You can check out the video here:


Now here’s the good news…

The good news is you can still catch the first video, even if you missed it the first time around! Jeremy has made the first video available, all you need to do is enter your email address at the link below, and he’ll send the video straight to your inbox!


We have a lot of confidence in Jeremy’s techniques. We recommend that all looking to be step ahead
next season look into this develop system.

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