No Sweat Sports Wash

Today we are going to talk about the “No Sweat Sports Wash.” This is a new product that I got about two months ago and I’ve been using it ever since. I’ve been using it on my hockey gear primarily as well as some of my lacrosse gear but what it’s designed for your high tech under armor, your performance fabrics things like that that whick away sweat.
This stuff is amazing I’ve been really pleased it. I’ve used and reviewed other sports products, sprays and different things like that, but this stuff you use right in your washing machine. A couple ounces, either with or without soap, and that they’ll knock the bacteria right out of your gear.
What it does not only clean your gear, but it also kills the bacteria and washes it away. It attacks the oil and the things that embed in the fabric, completely whisks it away so you have no smell. Even when he gets wet again, it doesn’t stink, which a lot of times does when you get the bacteria and stuff in your gear.
So this stuff has been great not only did I use it but I give it a few hockey moms around the area and they used it on their jerseys, I use it on hockey gloves I use it on shin pads, I use it on shoulder pads. All the stuff you aren’t supposed to put in the washing machine I did and it works so I would give two thumbs unto the No Sweat Sports Wash.