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Pre-Practice Skating Drills

March 7, 2012 Drills, Hockey Blogs No Comments

Here are a few pre-practice skating drills I like to use to get the players and goaltenders warmed up. Each drill has the goaltenders doing goaltender specific skating drills instead of skating with the team. As we all know goaltenders very rarely need to skate the length of the ice or do transition moves, so I keep them out of the team skating drills and give them specific goaltender skating drills to work on.

The entire set of four skating drills should take five to seven minutes at the top of your practice ice time and give the players a good warm-up. The fourth skating drill is a high speed drill and the goaltenders can use that time to get ready for shooting drills that are likely to come next.

Hope these help and give you ideas to work around. Remember, there are thousands of skating drills you can use, these are just a few I have had success with over the years.

2 Pattern Pre-Practice Warm-Up

2 Pattern Pre-Practice Warm-Up

Backward to Forward with Stops

Backward to Forward with Stops

Backward to Forward Crossover

Backward to Forward Crossover

BC Box Skate

BC Box Skate

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