Finding "Good Rink" – The key to scoring goals
I often talk to my players about finding ‘Good Rink’. I’m not talking about find a good place to play or a rink with a good surface. I’m talking about those areas on the rink where you know pucks are going to end up or a rebound that the goalie kicks out. This was something that I understood early on as a player and have always stressed to my players.
I grew up watching the Penguins of the 90’s and one play always stood out as one of my favorites of all time. Game 1 against Chicago. The game winner that Mario Lemieux scored. Watch it here…
He scores this goal because he is a smart player. He played this play through in his head before it ever happened (like good players do). He knew exactly what was going to happen and found ‘Good Rink’ in order to bury the puck for the game winner.
About a year ago, I had the opportunity to take my players on a behind the scenes tour of the new Console Energy Center in Pittsburgh. This video plays on one of the many screens downstairs and as my players were watching, one of them yelled ‘Coach, he found good rink!’ It was a proud coaching moment to see the players were actually getting it.
Plays like this define players and moments in the game. Teach your kids to find ‘Good Rink’.