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Dryland Training Kits from HockeyShot (full review)

June 18, 2012 Hockey Blogs No Comments

Use these Dryland Training Kits from HockeyShot to set up Structured, Well-Organized Dryland Sessions with your Team!

I recently had the opportunity to do a detailed review on HockeyShot’s Dryland Training Kits. So I took my boy Tyler down to the tennis courts to have a workout and make some videos. We had a great workout, and had a blast putting these videos together.

These kits are available in three different sets; the Starter Kit, Premium, and Premium Plus. I reviewed the Starter Kit, and was impressed with how much equipment it came with, even for the lowest-priced option! All three kits are fantastic. The main difference it that the Premium and Premium Plus kits come with more equipment (Speed Chutes & Plyo Hurdles)

In this post, I’m including 6 videos that highlight each product in the Starter Kit, and give a few ideas of drills you can run with each piece of equipment. After you pick up your kit, I recommend watching the instructional DVD that comes with it. The DVD contains over 300 drills… definitely enough to get you started! After that, run a YouTube search on additional drills you can do with the equipment. There’s no shortage of options out there!

So – enjoy the videos, and comment below if you have any questions.

HockeyShot Dryland Kits: Intro

HockeyShot’s dryland training kits are an awesome way to set up structured, well-organized dryland sessions for your team. Each starter kit contains 6 Speed Hurdles, 2 Reaction Balls, 4m Agility Ladder with carrying sleeve, 50 Saucer Cones, 6 Jump Ropes, Instructional DVD with TONS of drills, and a nice Transport Bag.

HockeyShot Dryland Kits: Speed Hurdles

These 6″ speed hurdles are great to have in the dryland kit. They are lightweight, yet durable, and there’s a lot of stuff you can do with them, as you can see in the video.

HockeyShot Dryland Kits:
Agility Ladder

One of the most versatile pieces of “quick feet” equipment, the agility ladder is a solid selection for this kit. Agility ladders are great for developing a quick, explosive lower body, but there are some fun upper-body drills you can do with this as well, so make sure you give a quick YouTube search when you get yours.

HockeyShot Dryland Kits:
Jump Rope

Awesome for both agility and endurance drills, the jump rope is a staple for team dryland sessions. This kit comes with 6 durable vinyl speed ropes, with molded PVC handles.

HockeyShot Dryland Kits:
Saucer Cones

Great for use for agility shuttle runs, routes, or wherever else pylons can be used. These saucer cones are a great selection for this kit because they’re flexible, so it won’t hurt if a player lands on one. Simple but the best!

HockeyShot Dryland Kits:
Reaction Ball

The Reaction Ball is the ideal tool for improving eye-hand coordination and reaction time. It’s unique 6-sided design allows the Reaction Ball to pop, bounce and leap unpredictably in different directions. Awesome for goalies!

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