Training- improving your slapshot power
To improve your slapshot you must focus an two key aresa, form and strength. You could be 6 feet tall and 220 pounds but if you dont have the proper form your slapshot will be useless. I am only 170 pounds but i can still shoot over 70mph consistently. this is becasue i have practiced for years and have a very effecient form. This means i am able to get alot of weight and opwer transfered to my stick to increase my power. This article is going to deal with what i will be working on, my overall strength and fitness.
Many people belive you need to have bulging biceps and a chest the size of arnold to have a good slapshot. The truth is slapshot power, like alost everything else in hockey is about your core strength. your core muscles are In general, the muscles of the core run the length of the trunk and torso; and when they contract they stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle and create a solid base of support. We are then able to generate powerful movements of the extremities. These muscles are what you use in a slapshot and develping and training them is going to give you a tremendous power boost
Workout for core muscles
their are hundreds of workouts that you can do for you core these are a few of my favorite these are simple workouts that even the pros use,
these workouts will help tune and train your core. rember you cna;t have strenght without form, make sure you continue to practice shooting as your trianing. this will allow your body to get used to the new muscles.
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