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Stick Lingo Defined

September 23, 2011 General No Comments

Stick lingo defined

By Joe Morales


An aluminum stick that has been chemically treated to reduce corrosion is said to have been “anodized.” The process tends to leave a yellowish color on the stick’s surface.


The portion of the stick that contacts the ice and provides a striking surface to shoot the puck and move it along the ice.


The top end of the shaft.


Identifies the curved shape of a stick blade. Stick blades with a highly-curved toe are said to have a different camber than blades with a consistent, heel-to-toe curve.


A term that indicates the use of more than one type of material in the construction of a stick. Often such composites include the use of wood along with Kevlar or carbon-fiber based material, such as graphite.


Usually applies to the hollowed-out center of a stick shaft. Many hockey sticks feature wood construction with a Kevlar- or graphite-filled core.


The amount of circular bend applied to the blade. A large curve applies more spin to a puck than a small curve, and can cause shots to dip, rise and curve. NHL rules now permit a maximum curve of 1/2” on stick blades.


A high-strength, light-weight synthetic compound. Woven first into fibers and then into sheets before being impregnated with a resin and heated under pressure, graphite is used to produce extremely strong and light-weight—if expensive—hockey sticks.


The rear portion of the stick blade.


A high-strength material developed by Dupont in the 1960s as a replacement for fiberglass. Kevlar’s strength makes it ideally suited for use in bullet-proof vests, military headgear and hockey sticks.


Stick blades and shafts are sometimes built up in layers, sometimes called laminations. Laminations are usually applied with glue, under pressure, and provide a stick with greater strength. Laminations include combinations of fiberglass, wood and graphite.


The angle of the stick shaft as it meets the blade. Most sticks are produced with a lie rating of “5” or “6,” with a higher number indicating a more vertical shaft. Sticks are produced with varying lies to accommodate the different sizes, styles and preferences of hockey players.


The portion of the stick a player holds, and to which the stick blade is attached.


A projecting part cut on the end of a wooden stick shaft and used to form a joint between the shaft and the blade.


The front portion of the stick blade.


The variable amount of flexibility or stiffness within a stick’s shaft. The more a shaft “gives” when a shot is taken, the whippier it is considered to be.

— Joe Morales



This first appeared in the 10/1994 issue of Hockey Player Magazine®
© Copyright 1991-2003, Hockey Player® LLC and Hockey Player Magazine®
Posted: Oct 31, 2001, 16:03

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