GearGeek – NHL Equipment Database

GearGeek is the world’s first online NHL equipment database.See what every active NHL player is using on the ice right now – sticks, gloves, pants, skates and helmets. You can sort by brands, teams, positions, stat leaders and more.GearGeek is free to …

4 Corners – D vs. O

Drill:1. Place O in each corner with a puck2. D starts in front of net and skates toward one of the O3. When he stops and transitions, the O drives the net and they play 1 on 1 until a score, puck freeze or D clears the puck4. D then picks another O an…

What evaluators look for during try-outs

I’ve been asked a lot over the years what I look for in a player during evaluations.  After watching my son during various AA & AAA Ice try-outs, I’ve been thinking more about this topic and wanted to share a bit of what I look for and some ot…

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Cycle Give and Go Drill

July 20, 2012 Hockey Blogs No Comments

Cycle Give and Go Drill

The Cycle Give and Go Drill is an awesome way to introduce cycling concepts, and offensive attack patterns. Here’s the diagram:

Cycle Give and Go Drill

1. Player from line 1 leaves with the puck and walks up the boards, then cycles back to player from line 2
2. Player from line 1 drives through the seam for a give and go pass, receives the pass from player 2, then executes a one-time-shot

Variation: After receiving the pass back from player 2, player 1 touch-passes to player 3 or 2 for a one-time-shot



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Fukami Breakout Warm-up Drill

Fukami Breakout Warm-up Drill

The Fukami Breakout Warm-up Drill is a great drill to get everybody moving. It incorporates a little bit of everything, and even involves the goalies in the play. Here’s the diagram:

Fukami Breakout Warm-up

1. On the whistle, forward dumps a puck on net
2. Goalie sets the the puck up for the defenseman, who has skated back to retrieve it
3. Forward times his/her skating, and explodes through the middle to receive a pass from the defenseman, then shoots

Variation: The forward can delay in the corner, then make a pass to the defenseman for a shot on net. (Not shown)



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Newsletter: July 2012

July 17, 2012 Hockey Blogs No Comments

IHD is proud to announce the first of our monthly newsletters.

Each month our newsletter will bring to you new drills, articles and product features.

You can read the July 2012 newsletter here

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5-Card Skating Drill

July 16, 2012 Hockey Blogs No Comments

5-Card Skating Drill

5-Card Skating is a great drill my assistant coach, Ryan Newton, came up with. I like this one because it lets you work on the defensive zone coverage skating patterns while getting some conditioning in. Here’s the diagram:

5-Card Skating Drill

1. Players start in 5-card formation
2. On whistle, each position skates full speed out to his or her designated attack area, pivots, then skates backward into 5-card position
3. Sequence follows, position by position. Center covers for the corner positions until they get back, and takes the seam (attack areas 2 and 5)
4. Wingers alternate between attack positions each “lap”
5. Do 4 “laps” then switch out 5-man unit for a new one



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Controlled Skating Breakout Drill

July 12, 2012 Hockey Blogs No Comments

Controlled Skating Breakout Drill

Although this drill loosely mimics a breakout drill, the real purpose behind this one is to introduce Timing and Support concepts to youngsters. Players must time their skating to arrive at the designated receiving zones on time for a possible pass. Here’s the diagram:

Controlled Skating Breakout Drill

1. 2 lines of Fs and Ds on the blue lines (out of the way)
2. D starts drill on dot
3. On the whistle, F passes to D, who pivots toward the boards, then skates behind the net to initiate a breakout
4. F control skates through each of the 4 receiving zones, presenting him or herself as a passing option in each zone (never taking eye off puck)
5. After receiving pass, F attacks 1 on 0

Option: Add D to the far blue lines for a 1 on 1



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