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Defenseman Puck Support

August 30, 2013 Defense, Hockey Blogs No Comments

This video does a great job of teaching Puck Support.  The key is the Dman without the puck is not rushing up ice, but providing support to his partner and giving him an outlet pass.

Thanks to IHD Partner Kevin Muller over at  M2Hockey.com & HockeyShare.com for this video.

Defenseman Puck Support

August 30, 2013 Defense, Hockey Blogs No Comments

This video does a great job of teaching Puck Support.  The key is the Dman without the puck is not rushing up ice, but providing support to his partner and giving him an outlet pass.

Thanks to IHD Partner Kevin Muller over at  M2Hockey.com & HockeyShare.com for this video.

Defenseman Puck Support

August 30, 2013 Defense, Hockey Blogs No Comments

This video does a great job of teaching Puck Support.  The key is the Dman without the puck is not rushing up ice, but providing support to his partner and giving him an outlet pass.

Thanks to IHD Partner Kevin Muller over at  M2Hockey.com & HockeyShare.com for this video.

Cornell One Touch Warm-Up

August 29, 2013 Drills, Hockey Blogs No Comments

Here is a simple warm-up drill from Cornell university that works on one-touch passing and moving the puck up the wall for a shot on goal. This drill helps develop better passing skills and also helps to warm-up the goaltenders. Make sure to tell the players where to shoot from.I prefer to keep the shots from the tops of the circles.

Cornell One Touch Warm Up


Faceoff Tips

August 27, 2013 Hockey Blogs No Comments

Current and Former Pittsburgh Penguins talk about the art of the face-off and give some strategy for your players.  Watch the video then read my comments below.

Note:  This is not my content. I’m sharing what was found publicly displayed on youtube.com

A couple of thoughts on this.

  • In the video Craig talks about if he were on the other side, he would still win it toward his net.  At the youth level I would never recommend that.  I would suggest is to teach your player to read the situation and put a player who would be on the strong side to win the puck back or to the wall on a Defensive face-off
  • If in the Offenseive zone, teach them to put a player on his forehand on the inside of the circle so they would have the best shot possible.

Faceoff Tips

August 27, 2013 Hockey Blogs No Comments

Current and Former Pittsburgh Penguins talk about the art of the face-off and give some strategy for your players.  Watch the video then read my comments below.

Note:  This is not my content. I’m sharing what was found publicly displayed on youtube.com

A couple of thoughts on this.

  • In the video Craig talks about if he were on the other side, he would still win it toward his net.  At the youth level I would never recommend that.  I would suggest is to teach your player to read the situation and put a player who would be on the strong side to win the puck back or to the wall on a Defensive face-off
  • If in the Offenseive zone, teach them to put a player on his forehand on the inside of the circle so they would have the best shot possible.

The Ultimate Resource Guide for Hockey Coaches

August 24, 2013 Hockey Blogs No Comments

resources for hockey coaches

As a hockey coach I am always scouring the internet for new ideas, drills, and resources. I have found a number of great drills and videos that I review when I am looking for new ideas. After years of coaching I have compiled and organized quite a list of links to my favourite hockey coaching resources. I wanted to share this list of links with other coaches so they too would be able to easily find drills, inspiration, and motivation for themselves and their players.

Favourite PDF’s

I like to keep things organized, and there’s nothing better than a nicely packaged PDF document with everything I need. Below are my favourite’s that I always carry on my ipad

Small Area Games


I think small area games are the best way to provide repeated and specific game like situations. The best part is they are competitive so the players play at full intensity, and they have a lot of fun. I have included some good small area game PDF’s below

  • USA Hockey Small Area Games
    • This is another great PDF with some interesting teaching points. The document has some studies done on puck possession which is an interesting point to bring up with the team. The games are all organized by age group
  • Coaches Guide to Small Area Games
    • This is a very well put together collection of games.
  • Small Area Games – by Malcolm Sutherland
    • There is some great reading / teaching in this PDF as well as a number of good small area games. I like to use the small area games to help reinforce technical skills that we’ve worked on earlier in the practice. I find following instruction with play that incorporates the skills helps the players better understand the skills and better remember how and when to use them

Hockey Systems

hockey-systems-playbookI searched and searched for a free pdf on systems, but nothing was complete enough. The e-book below is well worth the money spent and nice to have handy on my ipad.

  • Hockey Playbook ($27) – Jeremy Weiss
    • While I love learning for free, sometimes it pays to not be cheap. Growing up playing minor hockey I didn’t quite have a grasp on hockey systems and strategies. In my search for some good resources I found Jeremy Weiss’s playbook and got a copy. It’s a great read with a lot of good information and a number of current systems. The playbook covers Offense, Defense, Forechecking, Special Teams, Faceoffs, Transitions, Breakouts, and more.

More PDF Downloads

So you’re looking for more documents to scan through during downtime. I’ve got you covered, below are some great resources that are updated from time to time with new material.

Favourite Hockey Drill Resourceshockey-clipboard

  • HockeyShare.com drills page
    • Hockey share has a great community of coaches sharing, creating, and commenting on drills. They have a great collection of free drills to browse through. They have also created a very cool drill diagrammer for the more serious coaches out there who create and organize their own drills.
  • Coach Nielsen
    • If you’re looking for drills and lots of them, this is the place to go. These aren’t just any drills though, they’ve been tried and tested by Coach Nielsen. Visiting his site is like having access to his brain. For the past 4 years coach Nielsen has been posting drills and tips for any hockey coach to freely access. He’s got a great blog that is worth following as he not only shares drills, but also tips and advice on how he and other coaches use them.
  • Pass the Puck
    • The website looks like it hasn’t been updated since a year after the internet was invented, but it is actually filled with a lot of great drills and updated on a fairly regular basis.

Video Resources

  • TheCoachesSite.com 
    • This is an awesome resource for coaches. Every year there is a coaches conference with many pro NHL coaches giving seminars and presentations. The coaches site uploads the seminars a few months after the conference. There are a handful of great videos to watch!

Great Youtube Channelsyt1

  • Inno Hockey – Some videos are in Swedish, but there are great drills and playlists here
  • M2 Hockey – Great channel with a lot of individual skill videos
  • Jeremy Weiss – A lot of good drill explanations and diagrams
  • Pro Playmakers – Daryl coaches the pros and adds videos the odd time. They are not instructional but it’s nice to see the high tempo drills he uses. 
  • Hockey Canada – There are some great playlists on this channel.

Favourite Hockey Coaching Bookshockey-plays-drills

  • Hockey Plays and Strategies
    • This is a must have if you want pro level advice on running systems. Coaches will benefit from the detailed and simple to understand instruction about controlling every area of the ice, and players will benefit from knowledge of their jobs and responsibilities in each zone. This book is not just a book filled with diagrams, there is a lot of great teaching as well as easy to understand drills and diagrams. (plus it has 11 5 star reviews on Amazon)
  • Hockey Tough
    • No this is not a book about hockey tough guys, it’s about mental toughness and how to train your brain to perform better each and every game. I would recommend this book to coaches and players as mental training is often completely neglected, especially in minor hockey. Coaches will learn A LOT of great tips that they can implement and pass on to their players.
  • Simply the best
    • This is a great book that contains interviews with many of the best NHL coaches that ever lived. The interviews reveal a lot of insightful advice from some of the smartest hockey minds out there. I took notes with my tablet while reading and came up with pages and pages of good quotes and tips for coaching. I definitely recommend this book to coaches.

Please share any books, downloads, or videos that have helped you as a coach and I will add it to this list :)

Behind the Net Forechecking Drill

August 20, 2013 Drills, Hockey Blogs No Comments

This is a nice drill to help your defensemen develop good habits against a hard forecheck. The defenseman must shoulder check when he is skating to make sure he knows where the forecheck is coming from and which side of the net to exit to make the pass. Try to make sure the defenseman skates to about the hash marks before making the outlet pass so they get used to coming around the net with the puck. Also make sure you work on having them stay close to the post so the forechecker can’t squeeze in between them and the post.

Behind The Net Forecheck 2 on 1





IHD Newsletter – August 2013

August 16, 2013 Hockey Blogs No Comments

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IHD Newsletter – August 2013

August 16, 2013 Hockey Blogs No Comments

This month’s newsletter has been sent.  You can read the August 2013 Newsletter here.

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