GearGeek – NHL Equipment Database

GearGeek is the world’s first online NHL equipment database.See what every active NHL player is using on the ice right now – sticks, gloves, pants, skates and helmets. You can sort by brands, teams, positions, stat leaders and more.GearGeek is free to …

4 Corners – D vs. O

Drill:1. Place O in each corner with a puck2. D starts in front of net and skates toward one of the O3. When he stops and transitions, the O drives the net and they play 1 on 1 until a score, puck freeze or D clears the puck4. D then picks another O an…

What evaluators look for during try-outs

I’ve been asked a lot over the years what I look for in a player during evaluations.  After watching my son during various AA & AAA Ice try-outs, I’ve been thinking more about this topic and wanted to share a bit of what I look for and some ot…

Recent Articles:

Wisconsin Head Coach Mike Eaves – AROSA 7 Passes

August 8, 2014 Drills, Hockey Blogs No Comments

I received this drill from Coach Eaves last year, but thought it would be good to highlight again as we begin to prepare for the upcoming season. I use this drill a lot because it works a number of areas in a quick moving drill. Players need to concentrate on good passing and receiving skills, timing, speed through the neutral zone and attacking the net. There are a few options for this drill. You can have the D be the players in the corner so they can work on the outlet pass, or you can have all the players work both parts of the drill to gain confidence in the outlet pass. You can also have the player from the corner turn to the outside to receive the pass and attack the zone wide. Also, be sure your goaltender is concentrating on directing his saves away from the front of the net.

AROSA 7 Passes


Once again, I’d like to thank the guys over at for their animation software.



You Get What You Give!

August 8, 2014 Hockey Blogs, Players No Comments

I’ve always been a big believer in you get what you give.  The harder you work, the better things will work out for you.  I’ve talked with my players in the past about the work they put in off the rink will make them better players on the rink.  I’ve always tried to get them to realize that they are playing for something bigger than themselves too.  For those days when you don’t feel like pushing anymore, think about the players that share the room with you, the coaches behind the bench and the Parents/Fans that come to watch.  They expect more. They want more.  So do you.

This video was recently sent to my son by his AAA Ice coach and I think it says it all.

You Get What You Give!

August 8, 2014 Hockey Blogs, Players No Comments

I’ve always been a big believer in you get what you give.  The harder you work, the better things will work out for you.  I’ve talked with my players in the past about the work they put in off the rink will make them better players on the rink.  I’ve always tried to get them to realize that they are playing for something bigger than themselves too.  For those days when you don’t feel like pushing anymore, think about the players that share the room with you, the coaches behind the bench and the Parents/Fans that come to watch.  They expect more. They want more.  So do you.

This video was recently sent to my son by his AAA Ice coach and I think it says it all.

You Get What You Give!

August 8, 2014 Hockey Blogs, Players No Comments

I’ve always been a big believer in you get what you give.  The harder you work, the better things will work out for you.  I’ve talked with my players in the past about the work they put in off the rink will make them better players on the rink.  I’ve always tried to get them to realize that they are playing for something bigger than themselves too.  For those days when you don’t feel like pushing anymore, think about the players that share the room with you, the coaches behind the bench and the Parents/Fans that come to watch.  They expect more. They want more.  So do you.

This video was recently sent to my son by his AAA Ice coach and I think it says it all.

Russian Suicides II (The Admiral II)

August 7, 2014 Drills, Hockey Blogs No Comments


1. Player 1 skates to the other end around the cone
2. Player 2 in other corner passes to Player 1 and then backchecks
3. After Player 1 shoots, Player 2 skates around the other cone and drill continues

1. Hard skating
2. Stickhandling and shooting
3. Quick transition from Offense to Defense
4. Chasing down a player from behind

This is a great drill to get the kids going on a slow night. It really focuses on skating, stickhandling and shooting as quickly as possible.

Related Drills:
Russian Suicides

Russian Suicides II (The Admiral II)

August 7, 2014 Drills, Hockey Blogs No Comments


1. Player 1 skates to the other end around the cone
2. Player 2 in other corner passes to Player 1 and then backchecks
3. After Player 1 shoots, Player 2 skates around the other cone and drill continues

1. Hard skating
2. Stickhandling and shooting
3. Quick transition from Offense to Defense
4. Chasing down a player from behind

This is a great drill to get the kids going on a slow night. It really focuses on skating, stickhandling and shooting as quickly as possible.

Related Drills:
Russian Suicides

Wisconsin Head Coach Mike Eaves – Slovak 1v0 Middle Drive Drill

Here is one final drill from Mike Eaves. This is another passing drill that works on the stretch pass to a player driving the middle of the ice. Be sure that the players are skating hard on the drive portion of the drill. This will get them used to the speed they need to move at to possibly beat a defenseman up the middle of the ice. Have the players in line making the passes move their feet so they aren’t stationary during their portion of the drill.

You can also add a player to the net front area to work on screening and rebounds. This will force the goaltender to make smart plays with the puck off of a save.

I hope you’ve found the drills posted the past few days from Coach Eaves helpful. I want to thank Coach Eaves for the drills and wish him great success in the upcoming season.

Once again, I would like to thank the guys at for their really easy to use animation software, that help bring these drills to life.


>Slovak 1v0 MiddleDrive



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Click to Download the Drills


Wisconsin Head Coach Mike Eaves – Mass Confusion Drill

Drill runs from both ends at the same time. Working on moving the puck through the middle of the ice.

Make sure the players keep their head up while skating for the stretch pass.

Timing is very important on this drill.

Mass Confusion



Click to Download the Drills

Click to Download the Drills




Wisconsin Coach Mike Eaves – Russian Paradox Drill

I really like this drill. It works individual defensive skills along with team defensive skills.
The idea is to get the puck out of the zone either by carrying it or passing to a teammate who can carry it. You don’t want the defensive team to just flip the puck out of the zone. The drill is designed to make the players work on transition from defense to offense in the defensive zone.

This drill along with the 4 Whistles drill from Rico Blasi really get the players working hard on transition.

Russian Paradox

Click to Download the Drills

Click to Download the Drills


Wisconsin Coach Mike Eaves – 4 Nations Drill

Here’s a drill from D1 head coach Mike Eaves of the Wisconsin Badgers.

Nice drill to work on zone entry and getting to the net hard. It incorporates timing passes and full ice skating.

I also want to thank Kevin and the guys at for the animation software, so I could create the video of the drill. Very cool stuff. I’m not an expert, but it was pretty easy to use the first time I tried.

4 Nations



Click to Download the Drills

Click to Download the Drills

