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4 Corners – D vs. O

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Think and have fun at practice

November 10, 2010 Hockey Tips No Comments
By Fred Pletsch Printer friendly page

It is said that a team “plays as it practices,” and Shawn Walsh believes a coach must be thoroughly prepared for practice if he expects his players to be properly prepared for games.

“The key is to prepare when you’ve got quality time,” says the University of Maine coach, who recorded 200 NCAA Division 1 hockey victories faster than any bench boss in history. “I’ve found I can’t even prepare my practices in the office anymore because there are just too many distractions. Just to give you an idea, and we were only too glad to sign every one of them, our team (once) had 17 requests in one week alone from different charities in the area (asking) for autographed sticks. So I try to stay at home for at least a half hour—sometimes an hour—and just sit there and plan my practices.”

The inspiration for good practice ideas should come from your most recent game action.

Make notes, improve thinking

“The key to developing a good practice is to watch situations that are happening on the ice and, when you see them happen, make a mental note or physically write them down,” says Walsh. “Then, when it’s time to plan your next practice you know what you have to do to put your players in those same situation.”

It’s important to place young players, especially elite players, into thinking situations.

“I think we’re all doing a pretty good job in North America of trying to improve our physical skills,” Walsh notes. “There are plenty of handouts available on what drills can improve agility, what drills can improve shooting and what drills can improve stick-handling. But what drills are there to improve thinking?”

Can’t you tell he’s a college coach?

Walsh says coaches (and players) should look at NHL games and watch how an Yzerman, or a Lemieux, or a Gretzky thinks. Study the really intelligent players and try to glean something from them that will help your players think a little quicker, anticipate things a little faster and, in the big picture, understand the game better.

From a team perspective, practice must be as challenging for the best players on a team as it is for the least-skilled.

“Kids love competition,” says Walsh. “The only thing you’ve got to watch with competition is that it has to be structured so that the worst players aren’t always losing. You know who is constantly getting beaten on your team, who’s not scoring goals and who’s playing the third line. So set up a drill that almost guarantees that those kids are going to have success.”

For example, take your two best forwards and match them against the other seven. Let the bottom seven guys feel good about themselves.

Draft, play games

Walsh also likes to see situational zone play made into a “game within a game” at practice.

“Face off scrimmages are always fun,” says the coach who knows a strenuous workout has been successful when he sees smiles on his players’ faces when it’s over. “You take ten guys in an offensive zone face off and the squad that’s on defense gets one point for carrying the puck, not shooting the puck, out over the blue line. The offensive team gets two points if it gets a shot on net and five points for a goal. At the end of the drill, or end of practice, see how many points the groups have accumulated.

“Many youth hockey teams consist of three units of five players,” Walsh adds, “so maybe you could have a draft before practice. But set it up so that some of those lesser players will be rewarded, and watch how hard they will work when they have an incentive in mind.”

Walsh uses a similar system at Maine, and the incentive there is that the losing five some has to clean up the locker room after practice. Walsh adds his players love the challenge, and if he can get his Hobey Baker Award candidates picking up used tape and soda cans, youth hockey coaches should be able to get their star players doing it, too.

Walsh says he constantly has to remind himself that hockey is a game of mistakes—although there’s a consensus among opposition teams that Maine makes fewer than most. He’s been a head coach for 10 seasons, but is just beginning to learn about the ratio of positive-feedback-to-constructive-criticism when dealing with players.

“All of us that coach, whether you’re a volunteer or (someone) coaching an NHL club, want to see your guys do well, and the natural tendency is to point out the things they don’t do well. We pat them on the back, but I wonder if we do it enough. We’ve got to make sure we try to improve that end of it by just staying positive. Don’t jump on your guys too much, and just let them play through it. It helps.”

Fred Pletsch is a veteran OHL and AHL broadcaster who currently covers the Cornwall Aces for CJFS radio.

This first appeared in the 02/1995 issue of Hockey Player Magazine®
© Copyright 1991-2010, Hockey Player® LLC and Hockey Player Magazine®
Posted: Dec 21, 2006, 06:12

50 Hockey Tips

November 9, 2010 Video Content 1 Comment

Buy 50 Hockey Tips on DVD for $17.95 + Shipping [EJUNKIE_ADD2CART item=”50HTDVD”]
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50 Hockey Tips is a fast paced instructional hockey video that will help you shoot, skate and score like never before. Made for the recreational player, the youth hockey player and the  player trying to make it to the pros, 50 Hockey Tips gives advice from experts of the game. Enjoy a sit down interview with 3 time Stanley Cup champion and NHL Studio Analyst Brian Engblom as he offers his advice on making it to the NHL and playing the game.

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50 More Hockey Tips

November 9, 2010 Video Content No Comments

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50 More Hockey Tips is a fast paced instructional hockey video that will help you shoot, skate and score like never before. Made for the recreational player, the youth hockey player and the player trying to make it to the pros, 50 More Hockey Tips gives advice from experts of the game. Enjoy a sit down interview with NHL Veteran, Scout and Tampa Bay Lightning Assistant Coach Pat Verbeek as he offers his advice on making it to the NHL.

Growing Up Hockey

November 8, 2010 Video Content No Comments

It’s “Game on!” Finally, the DVD for kids who love and play the game!

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It’s packed with the essential building blocks all coaches, parents and kids should have in their mental toolbox. Shot in cinema-quality, High Definition, this DVD is filled with tips from the pros to empower and teach you the in’s and out’s of what it takes to boost your game to the next level. It’s hockey’s “Sixth Sense” — that will set you apart from other players. It’s the ultimate “Fuel For Thought” DVD for every young player … “Growing Up

Secrets of Hockey Speed Volume 1

November 8, 2010 Coaches No Comments


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From North America to Europe, Robby Glantz continues to be hockey’s most requested skating instructor. His innovative methods for teaching the foundations for speed are used by players at all levels — from youth hockey to the pros. Now these same techniques are available to you in his first instructional videotape; the first video to truly detail the step-by-step methods that will generate top speed. And with demonstrations from NHLers Tony Granato and Steve Dechesne, easy-to-grasp terminology, and creative camera angles, you are sure to learn what it takes to attain that extra step you have always been looking for. Available on DVD.

Vol. 1 Highlights Include:
• Breakdown of all stride techniques
• Backwards skating movement
• How to increase your stride
• Acceleration while turning
• Edgework and counterbalancing
• Explode in your starts
• Plus, much more!

About Robby Glantz Robby’s resume includes: Power Skating Coach for the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings and Atlanta Thrashers. Robby has worked with players in the Chicago Blackhawks organization … and Swedish Champs Malmo, the German National Teams and numerous pro and youth hockey teams worldwide. He is the first power skating coach ever hired by the hockey associations of Germany, Norway and Switzerland, and is the power skating expert for Hockey Player Magazine. Robby specializes in teaching and motivating youth hockey players worldwide to skate quicker, faster and stronger.

Secrets of Hockey Speed Volume 2

November 8, 2010 Coaches No Comments


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With the same techniques and innovative camera angles, Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off, concentrating on speed with one and two hands on the stick, lateral mobility, pivot stops, quick feet, edge work and much more… And Vol. 2 will show you how to reach top speed with the puck on your stick: breakaway speed, change of direction, power moves, puck protection and stick handling.

Vol. 2 Highlights Include:
• Advanced techniques and drills
• 1 & 2 hands on the stick
• Backward skating techniques
• Forward and backward stops
• Gretzky-type tight turns
• Quick feet and edge drills
• Breakaway speed with the pucks
• Power moves
• Puck protection
• Stickhandling

About Robby Glantz Robby’s resume includes: Power Skating Coach for the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings and Atlanta Thrashers. Robby has worked with players in the Chicago Blackhawks organization … and Swedish Champs Malmo, the German National Teams and numerous pro and youth hockey teams worldwide. He is the first power skating coach ever hired by the hockey associations of Germany, Norway and Switzerland, and is the power skating expert for Hockey Player Magazine. Robby specializes in teaching and motivating youth hockey players worldwide to skate quicker, faster and stronger.